REGISTERED AIRMAIL (Standard Airmail - Registered)
Registered Mail Service Fee: US$2.00** for each order (Please put the item "Registered Mail Service" in your shopping cart along with the items you purchase for this service.)
Buyers choosing this shipping method will have to pay for the original shipping fee as well as registered mail service fee (i.e. US$2.00 or equivalent). Buyers will be given a tracking number and order can be traced online. One order means all the items are in one bill and checked-out and paid together (regardless the number of items).
** For buyer choosing Expedited Shipping / Express Mail, the order will be registered automatically and a tracking number will be provided. Buyers don't need to pay for the "Registered Mail Service" again.
For registered mail, please make sure there is someone to sign upon delivery. If you are using P.O. boxes or military address, please make sure whether registered service can be used.